T: +31 (0) 33 7200998

First Aid Remote


This course focuses on providing first aid in rural areas and in the mountains. Situations that require a unique approach, because it often takes longer before professional emergency services can take over the care. Less serious things like injuries, blisters, wounds and sunburn can have serious consequences. In addition, in these situations we may have to deal with special injuries and disorders. Think of hypothermia, frostbite, altitude sickness (in case of mountaineering), but also dehydration and snake bites.

The following topics are covered during the course:

  • Rescue Management (assessing situation, overseeing danger, etc.)
  • Alarm 112
  • Alert specific rescue services
  • Initial assessment of the victim
  • Clear the airway, ventilate and resuscitate (CPR)
  • Stabilizing an unconscious victim
  • Stalling severe bleeding
  • Shock treatment
  • Moving in emergency situations
  • Safety in rural situations
  • Moving a victim out of an acute danger zone
  • Injuries to the musculoskeletal system (bone fracture, dislocation, sprain, etc.)
  • Splinting with primitive means and with the SAM-Splint
  • Contents of the first aid kit for rural situations
  • Various types of dressings/bandage
  • Altitude sickness
  • Freezing and Hypothermia
  • Sunburn and heatstroke
  • Blisters, prevention and treatment
  • In addition to theory, we will practice a lot: 'hands-on practice'!

For whom?
The course is intended for anyone who may be in mountainous regions or rural areas. Field workers at home and abroad, tour guides, mountain and outdoor athletes are a few examples. But also water sports enthusiasts, cyclists, walkers and horse riders.

The course meets the requirements of the Dutch Bergsport Bond (NKBV) and takes 2 days. No prior knowledge or experience is necessary because the first day of the course is devoted to the essential basic skills for first aid. The second day focuses on specific injuries and health problems, alarms in mountain areas or remote areas, emergency transport and the content and use of the first aid kit. We also organize a separate additional module (1 day) for participants who already have a valid first aid certificate.

Duration training
2 days
SafetyPro certificate

On request
Amersfoort, Breda, On-site training possible

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Training details
Number of people 4-12
Level Beginner
Training duration 2 days
Certificate SafetyPro certificate
Location Amersfoort, Breda, On-site training possible